a HelloSelf company

Family and friends may have become concerned about a loved one's well being or functioning and would very much like to see them have therapy. Ideally, the individual would make contact with us themselves. If they do not wish to do so, you can enquire on their behalf. Psychological understanding and support can be effective for a carer of someone with a difficulty and often a change in approach can indirectly bring about change in the individual concerned.

You as a family member or friend can pass on any concerns you may have regarding your loved one to the psychologist in confidence, but the content of sessions will not be discussed with family members or friends without the express consent of the individual.

Contact Us

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Contact Us

themindworks Clinics

  • Token House Business Centre, 11/12 Tokenhouse Yard,
    London, EC2R 7AS

  • St Paul's Clinic, 81 Farringdon St,
    London, EC4A 4BL

  • 28 Queen St, London, EC4R 1BB
